Saturday, September 15, 2007

Founders College

Over at Greg Nyquist and Dan Barnes' blog, Ayn Rand Contra Human Nature, folks have been discussing Founders College. For those who don't know, it's a new liberal arts college in Virginia which obviously has ties to Objectivism (of the ARI variety), but doesn't want to come clean on its connection. (Which isn't to say that it is supported or sponsored by the ARI, which I doubt.)

Here is further evidence of the Objectivist connection.

Compare Founders' logo:

With this cover to Rand's The Romantic Manifesto:

For what it's worth, I think a college with a moderate Objectivist tilt would be a step up from what Russell Kirk called Behemoth State University.


Anonymous said...

i dunno, looks sort of... Moslem? with the crescent & everything? except it isn't green? or maybe it's a sun worship thing - that's catching on.

Anonymous said...

It looks more like atlast holding up the world. If it is, wouldn't that be more of a link to objectivism than its similarity to the anthem cover?

Anonymous said...

perhaps these folks can speak to the origins of the design?